What is Brainiacs Mentoring?
Brainiacs Mentoring is a free, virtual tutoring and activities program for K-8 students. Brainiacs Mentoring is fully lead by teens. We provide one-on-one mentoring to make learning fun and effective.
How do I sign Up?
Go to the Sign-Up page on our website. Next, fill out the form provided on the page. You will then receive an email or Remind message confirming your time along with a Zoom room code. Please sign up at least one night before your scheduled session.
You will select your preferred way of communication on the Sign-Up form. However, if you like to join our Remind to get announcements, contact Brainiacs Mentoring, and more, text @brainiacsm to the number 81010 or enter the code in the official Remind app.
what is the Cost?
Everything is completely free! However, if you would like to donate, as to improve the overall quality of Zoom for Brainiacs Mentoring, please visit our donation page.
How do we ensure your Child's SAFETY over zoom?
Each of our mentors have experience working with children. A consent and waiver form must be signed by a parent before their child can use Brainiacs Mentoring. We will also not be recording your child under any circumstances.
To view a preview of the Parental Consent and Waiver form, please visit this page.
How far in advanced can I schedule?
You may sign up for a tutoring session on a weekly basis. All sessions must be scheduled at least one day in advance.
Can I sign up for MUltiple sessions a week?
Yes! You can sign up for as many sessions as you like! However, we limit at most one session per child per day.
How do I Cancel a session?
To cancel a session, either message us through email or Remind.
To join our Remind, text the code @brainiacsm to the number 81010 or enter the code on the official Remind app.
How Long is Each Session?
Due to Zoom restrictions, most meetings will only be 40 minutes. Meetings longer than 40 minutes require a Zoom License. We are working towards obtaining this in the future. If you would like to help us reach that goal, you may donate on our donate page.
Who can be a brainiac Mentor?
We would like for as many people as possible to be involved! You must be between the ages of 13-17 and fill out the application on the volunteer page to be considered! We will then email you within 2 weeks to inform you whether your application has been accepted.
Note: a headshot is required to submit the application